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Fablehaven (#1) - Brandon Mull

I'd heard wonderful things about Brandon Mull as a middle-grade author. Then I had a student who recommended I read the Fablehaven books, and so off I went!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5. It was the tiniest bit slow to get into, but once I was engaged - I was there!!! My plans are definitely to continue with the series.

Age suggestion: 9+

Ability level: 9+ for competent readers. These books are long and have the occasional tricky word that they may need help with.

Content notes: Fairies and fantasy and trolls, oh my! Nothing sexual, and nothing overly violent. There's a witch who's a bit creepy, and one child does turn into a walrus at some point. But I found that rather hilarious. Can I turn my brother into a walrus?

If you've got good readers in your class or home who love a good fantasy adventure, here you go!!

Booktopia (cheapest)

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